Through the first 4 weeks of the unstoppable course I have spent ~10 hours a week working on or thinking about what this course really means. I have really embraced this opportunity as a chance for self reflection and self discovery. I have read books, listened to podcasts, watched movies and read blog post dealing with different aspects of finding a purpose, discovering your personal values and really discovering your passion.
In this process I have started daily reflections on each individual day. What am I grateful for? What could I do better? What amazing things happened to me today? These are all questions I ask daily. The answers astound me as I feel I am still being held back by my own preconceptions on life and career. Looking back, pretty much my entire career has been about being responsible. I wanted to find a job I could make good money, I wanted to take care of my family, etc. Although, I think my passions were directing me to an extent, I know I have not been entirely driven on passion and finding my sense of purpose. This course has really started my reflection down that path. I have seen that in my first drafts of my ideal job and ideal life that I would reflect on what could improve from what I have today, not what could be possible. I would assume certain limits and set boundaries where ideally there shouldn’t be boundaries. I still struggle to look passed my self-imposed limits.
As I get passed those limits I am really starting to see life and work in a new light. Previously I have worked up to titles and for raises. I have even sought this fictitious work/life balance. Now I am starting to see those were never really my driving factors. It’s probably why I never stopped there. I never found fulfillment and it ultimately wasn’t what I truly wanted.
So, what do I want? I think I am still discovering this to some extent. I think that it is clear that I have a passion for coaching, mentoring and even teaching. My subject passion is certainly still with programming, mathematics and even sports. I see that I do not incorporate enough of my passions in my life but have slowly been building it over the years. I see that my life is my work and that balance is my ability to share this with my family.
This first module has me anxious to learn more. I want to learn to clear away the clutter more effective and focus on my passions. I want to continue to evolve my stand, my ideals and learn my purpose. I want to continue to collaborate more with others on their thoughts and ideas and find ways to help them achieve theirs and further realize my own. Overall, I think this opportunity is well timed as I opened a new chapter of my life a few months before this and now I am seeing that as my first step to this. I may not know what the rest of the steps look like but the ride looks awesome!