In the last few weeks we were introduced to the idea of the miracle morning. A concept where you take control of your morning by doing a few things as a routine in each morning. The steps of the miracle morning are:
Step 1 – Silence
Step 2 – Affirmations
Step 3 – Visualization
Step 4 – Scribing
Step 5 – Reading
Step 6 – Exercise
This effort should take around a half hour in the morning and helps you gain control of your mornings. After all mornings are one of the few times that we really can control our day. Once we wake up and get moving our day is really run by the fire drill we call life. This drill, no matter how much we plan for, is always interrupted and brought off course with each passing hour due to the changes in the environment around us.
Anyway enough on that… so how have I controlled my mornings?!? Well I have done ok following the steps to the side. I really have taken control of my mornings but I wouldn’t say that I go through all those steps every single day the way I probably should. I also tend to leave the extensive exercise for later in the day. I will say I have done more in the mornings as far as walking, taking the stairs and so forth but still not running in the morning, too cold.
The way this course, the unstoppable course, has really impacted my life is in my outlook. I look to everything I do as striving towards a goal or passion of mine. I see tasks that I have to do and try to get passed them and onto what counts. I can clearly see what counts to me and now have plans, goals and feel a purpose that is getting stronger with every opportunity to grow. How I see this course impacting me in the future is with opportunity, passion and more control over more of my life. I see myself programming and sharing that passion more and more with those around me. I see myself in the community sharing with teens, adults and anyone wanting to learn. I hope to build my own applications that others can use and implement in areas of need. I plan to always train, mentor and work with the up and coming developers that bring me such joy as they move on to their own successful careers.
In the last few weeks I may have taken some short cuts, I may not have completed absolutely everything I needed to or read into things as critically as I should but I definitely feel that I am more purposeful in my daily actions. I thanks this course for that and hope to continue to share different ideas as they come to mind even beyond the course.